How to limit kids screen time without a fight.

Here are the 3 tools I use to keep the screen time balance without arguing about it.

These 3 tools limit screen time and what my kids see online and best of all are kid proof. The no argument strategy starts when I talk to the kids about screen time. Together we come up with a schedule that the kids have input in and agree with. These tools then help them stick to the agreed upon plan.

First, software that lets me decide which sites at what time and how long they see them. I can block sites and programs already downloaded with software. It can't be defeated, blocked, shut off or uninstalled. It costs about $10/month or less with annual membership.

I have used FocusMe for about 5 years now, and my kids inspired a few upgrades over the years so now it is kid proof. It can also be adult proof in case you need to stop yourself from getting distracted. Get FocusMe here.

Next is a FREE service that blocks more than porn. This isn't software so nothing to download; only a change of the ip address that your router goes to for internet addresses. Because it's on a server and not on your home devices it's untouchable and can't be defeated either. You can decide what topics can be accessed and what to block so that the marketers and hustlers have no access to your family's screens. There are adult things kids do not need to deal with and this prevents even accidental viewing. I have had this almost as long as FocusMe and works so well the kids didn't even know this was active because it just says the blocked site can't be found. Grab the free blocker here.

This is my hardcore backup that just last night kicked by son off the computer at bed time even though I had forgotten what time it was. He came to me to complain that he lost all his loot in the game. This negative reinforcement will help him adjust his screen time to bed time without even a word from me. It can shut off power to any device with the app or the programable timer that remember what day and time to turn the switch on or off. If he needs more time I just use the app on my phone to switch power to any outlet. He knows its doing it but his power cord only reaches this plug and all the other power bars have mysteriously disappeared. Check the price.

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